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TAKE THE Resource and your life TO THE NEXT LEVEL with the easiest and most comprehensive program on building a home business - The System I Created To Hit $100k+ Months At Home Without The Hustle

The Home-Based Revolution

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Dear Fellow Mom (who wants to take care of those you love),

Let's have some real talk here for a second... (If you’ve been around me for 5 minutes or longer, you already know, I’m no fluff, no BS, and a straight shooter.)

With 1001 options out there to start or build a home-based business, it’s hard to cut through the noise, to know what’s right and to know who you can trust.

ANYONE, can claim to teach you how to start a business from home. It seems that taking a course or reading a book combined with a few fake followers on social media and all of a sudden you’re an ‘expert’.

But don’t be mistaken—it’s a whole other level to scale a simple home business to multiple six-figure months every month for years and teach thousands of others to break $10,000 a month within six months of joining—guaranteed.

Most people teaching this stuff have never actually “been there” or “done that” on their own before ever trying to sell someone a course.

Let’s Look At The Facts

I have had my own home-based business for over 10 years now.

I’ve been featured in major publications: Forbes, NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX News, Oprah Magazine, and Fast Company.

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Helped Fortune 500 companies optimize their marketing

I’ve built an engaged social media following with over 5 million followers across my various platforms

And am recognized as one of the top female entrepreneurs in digital marketing

And at the end of the day, I have created multiple 7-figure businesses from scratch. More importantly though, I have helped many mamma’s just like you built a home based business of their dreams.

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Now that we have that out of the day, let’s recognize the reality that…

Starting And Growing A Home Based Business Isn’t Easy

But fortunately, I’ve cracked the code…it is more science than art and can be easily learned in short order.

After having my own Home Based Business that was doing multiple six-figures a month… COVID hit and I saw many families suffer.

Mike and I decided to help as many families as we can and learn what we know so they, too, can have the freedom they want and deserve.

So we created the Home-Based Revolution.

A LIVE Coaching Program- Being walked through, week-by-week while ACTUALLY setting up your income streams in less time than you accidentally spend watching reels on a Tuesday night  ($10,000 Value)

Information is good, but it can only take you so far

And honestly, it’s the slowest way to learn and get results (and that is if you ever get around to actually doing anything with it).

In fact, from a business-building perspective, you just can’t do it with courses and information anymore…

Over the past ten years, I have discovered that coaching is the best way to reduce time and achieve easy results.

On top of the coaching, you’ll also get:

- Bat Signal Blueprint - A professional, data-driven 40-page workup on PRECISELY who your person is, and WHAT they WANT from YOU. (Which then you use WITH AI to create EV UH REE THANG!….SO EASY) ($6,000 Value)

- Business Plan - This is essentially a business in a box. I continue my research into what products and services YOUR PEOPLE are LOOKING FOR, so YOU can show up and SAVE THE DAY for them! ($5,000 Value)

- A Year of Custom Content for Your People - Using my previous research, I uncover your pillars of content based on WHAT YOUR PEOPLE ARE LITERALLY LOOKING FOR, then create a year of content around those pillars. The best part? The content ALWAYS comes back around to creating more reasons for them to want to work with you! ($1,000 Value)

- A Full Description and Outline for Your Signature Program - Most people get stuck when creating a program for their people. It's the infinite potential that gets them stuck, but I jump in again, based on my previous research of your person, and create an outline and description of YOUR OWN SIGNATURE PROGRAM that your people are WAITING FOR SOMEONE TO OFFER THEM! I mean, c'mon! ($1,000 Value)

In addition to all of this, you ALSO get a personalized 1:1 to go over the form you will be filling out, so I can do all of this research. We are leaving no POTENTIAL for stuck spots. We've got you every single step of the way.

When you sign up, you will be on your way.

It will be a whirlwind of booking your 1:1, me getting your research to you, you crying over how easy this is actually going to be, and finally starting the program, hitting the ground running while being closely coached and lifted up. All of that resulted in YOU becoming a version of yourself you HAD NO IDEA was achievable.


It is. I know it is. And I got you.

Let's DO THIS!

Ok, so if you add up how much this all's $23,000.

But my goal is not to make a ton of's IMPACT.

I want you to achieve YOUR GOALS. If it's too expensive, I can't help that many people...

So, I fixed that.

Your investment is a one-time payment of $2997 then you have coaching almost every single day of the week for LIFE.


Today only I want to gift you $1000 off
And break it up into 12 payments…

That means for only $166 today and then 11 equal payments afterwards, you too can join the over 5000 moms who are a part of this program changing their families lives.

Welcome to the best part of your life!

I can’t wait to work with you!

Xo Martha

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Home-Based Revolution

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