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From Kitchen Table to Empire: How Moms Are Earning Enough to

Retire Their Husbands and Never Worrying About Money Again


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"I feel like I'm wasting my time working on something that I'm not sure will ever succeed."

Hey there, fellow Mama's trying to forge a new life for your families!

Are you tired of feeling like your dreams of running a successful home-based business are slipping away? I know exactly how that feels. The constant struggle, the self-doubt, the fear of failure—it's enough to make anyone want to throw in the towel.

But what if I told you that there's a way to turn things around? A way to not only bring in a steady income but also create the life you've always dreamed of? One where you can bring your husband home from work, travel the world, homeschool if you want...and never worry about money again? (stay with me, I know your radar is going off, but it would be a massive disservice to you and your family to stop reading, because this is actually real.)

It's possible, and I'm living proof. Hi, I'm Martha Krejci, and just 10 short years ago, I was in the same boat as you. I had a burning desire to build a successful business from home, but no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't seem to make it work.

I poured my heart and soul into every venture, but the results never matched my efforts. I felt like a failure, like I was letting my family down. Even my friends and loved ones started to doubt me, suggesting that maybe it was time to give up and just climb the corporate ladder at my "real" job.

But then the day that forced my hand came....

I remember it like it was yesterday...

I was sitting in my corporate carpeted cubicle...smelled like the 60' know the one, right?

When my phone buzzed and it was my hubby messaging me a video.

Now, you don't know this, but that was really bizarre because he never did, and still never does that (but to send over a reel with cute puppies or Gary Busey talking about buttered sausage...but I digress...)

So, I knew something was different.

When I looked down, I saw it. The thumbnail.

A still shot of our baby ON HER FEET, UNASSISTED!

I knew what was coming, and I could feel the heat rushing to my face immediately.

I knew I missed it.

As I pushed play on the video, there it was....our baby....taking her very. first. steps.

And it wasn't to me.

I wasn't even there.

It was in that moment, something happened to me...

It was primal. It was angry. It was exruciating.

I realized in that moment that I had to make a choice...we all have to make this choice.

Will we do what society says we should?

Or will we do what our kids NEED us to do?

I was very clearly in a position of potentially missing all of my daughter's moments...

I mean, why did we even go through all of the hardships to have her, if when she's here, I'm unavailable?

See, I didn't even have any sick time to take off, because well...I'm a Mom in corporate America...I have to use it every time it drops.

So, I had to sit a caged animal...or leave...and get fired. I have never in my life been so uncomfortable. I wanted to run out of the building and never look back. I had a baby to get to!

BUT...I couldn't EXACTLY do's why...

And this is where I get to look like either an idiot, or a hero, you decide.

Let me lay out my situation for you....

I was the main "bread-winner" of TWO families...

I had already brought my hubby home from his soul-sucking job (which is why he took the video of our girl)...

His dad has just lost his job, and in your 70's, you don't just go get another job, so we invited them to come live with us....

Which required us to buy a nice, expensive house that could accomodate two families to live in...

So, let's recap.

Two families, one baby, all insurance on me, all finances (for the most part) on me...

And I decided to quit my job!

So, I sat there....and I plotted how I could REALLY start a business from home, not trying...not dipping a toe and dabbling...but REALLY doing it...and I would HAVE to do it well.

Because there was NO SAFETY NET.

If it didn't work, I was going to take two families into crash and burn status....

No pressure, right? ?

It all started off like a romanticized dumpster fire...

I started doing searches on Google for things like "starting a business from home"....(spoiler NOT do find ALL the dude bros sitting on the front of what I NOW know are RENTED Ferrarri's..)

I jumped into things appearing to be what I needed, only to find it was all garbage.

All of it.

No one was actually teaching anything that worked.

They were just selling dumb courses that weren't even delivering on what the sales page was AWFUL...

Because all the while, my blood pressure is rising (along with my anxiety, thank you very much) because I still have the same bills due as usual, but this time NO JOB to pay them...


I don't know if this is you, too, but deep down, I knew I was meant for more.

I refused to accept defeat, and that's when I figured out for myself after trying and failing a ton, the secret that changed everything: The MOM Method.

This incredible system has already helped countless Moms just like you and me achieve the unthinkable. Some of my students have hit $15,000 per month in just 3 months, and I've even had million-dollar months myself!

So, what is the MOM Method? It's a step-by-step process that helps you identify your perfect person, develop a unique way to serve them, and create multiple income streams around that service.

No more scattered efforts or chasing after every shiny object. With the MOM Method, you'll be laser-focused on what truly matters: making a difference in people's lives while building a wildly successful business.

The best part? You don't need to spend years or thousands of dollars on courses and coaching that don't deliver results.

The MOM Method is designed to help you achieve your goals quickly and efficiently, without sacrificing your family or your sanity.

And here's the kicker: I'm so confident in this system that I'm offering an unbeatable guarantee.

If you don't hit $10,000 per month within 6 months of using the MOM Method, I'll work with you until you do.

AND if you manage to break my own record of $100,000 in a single month within those 6 months? I'll give you a full refund. That's how much I believe in this life-changing method.

I want people gunnin' for that $100k! It's DOABLE!

Imagine waking up every morning with a sense of purpose and excitement, knowing that you're making a real difference in the world.

Picture your husband coming home from work for good, and the pure joy on your children's faces as you tell them you're going on another family adventure.

Envision a life where money is no longer a source of stress, but a tool to create unforgettable memories and leave a lasting legacy.

This isn't just a pipe dream—it's a reality that's within your reach. All you need is the right guidance, support, and a proven system that works. And that's exactly what the MOM Method in HBR (Home-Business Revolution) provides.

So, if you're ready to stop struggling and start thriving, I invite you to take the first step today.

Sign up now and get immediate access to the first module of the MOM Method in HBR. Don't wait another moment to start building the life and business of your dreams.

And here's the best part: if you act now, you can get the entire Home-Based Revolution for half off!

But this offer expires on Sunday night, so don't miss your chance to join the ranks of successful Mom entrepreneurs who are making a massive impact and living life on their own terms.

It's time to believe in yourself and your abilities.

It's time to show the world what you're truly capable of.

It's time to embrace the MOM Method and unlock a future filled with abundance, joy, and endless possibilities.

I can't wait to welcome you into our community of unstoppable Moms and watch you soar to new heights.

Let's do this together, and let's create a life and business that exceeds your wildest dreams.

Sign up now and let's get started on this incredible journey!


The VERY FIRST thing we do, is worth the price of admission, all by itself. You sign up, and hop onto a 1:1 with us, and we help you FINALLY drill down on PRECISELY who you are here to serve. Once we have that, my team begins the research process, covering millions of data points of your person, so we know EXACTLY what they are BEGGING for someone to offer them. The way they WANT TO BE helped. We even give you a FULL YEAR of content your person is looking for, so there are no guessing games or sitting and staring at your computer wondering what you should say to the abyss. Guesswork, GONE. Let's freaking GO!

Then, we walk you through, step-by-step, beginning to end, setting up your own 7 income streams AND an investment stream in 12 weeks supported and scaled with the MOM Method. This method is the cornerstone of how EVERYTHING works. We just add things onto it once it's set will be AMAZED at how simple all of this end up being.

Learn all of the behind the scenes secrets to how people make HUGE sales with HUGE impact, and without looking like they're out there selling every day. It's an art for sure.

Finally, learn how to set your business up as a legacy play that continues to pay your family even after you're gone.

Lifetime Coaching: This is awesome because of course you'll need it in the beginning...but what about when you hit $30k months and you need to start building a team out? (That's when that happens, by the way...around $30k). Well, we'll still be here for you! And what about when you're starting to get media deals and join ventures? Who will answer your questions that have actually been there? I WILL! You have me FOR LIFE, and I'm ALL IN on YOU and YOUR SUCCESS.

Some other topics we cover with the best of the best in their industries are Podcasts, Memberships, AI and AI Consulting, Freelancing, Copywriting, Growing an Audience, Investing, Writing a Book, Video/Storytelling, Building Your Website, Organization/Time Management/Systems + Processes, and Your Own Shopify Store if you want one!

Ultimately, we're setting up a career for you, here. A career that takes very little effort, so you can be free to do what you really want to do every day, like taking vacations, homeschooling, playing with your kids, or's your life, time to live it!

See How Average, Everyday Folks Are Finally Living Life On THEIR Terms With This Simple Program!

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There are HUNDREDS more where these came from, but I don't want you to have to scroll all day, so I'll stop....

Who is this best for?

Work at home Moms


Direct Selling Pro's


Influencers (big and small)


Etsy Shop Owners


Digital Marketers

Brick + Mortar Businesses

Network Marketers

Social Media Marketers


Restuarant Owners


Holistic Wellness Practitioners

Massage Therapists

Online Course Creators


Boutique Shop Owners

People with nothing set up yet

Here's How To Get Instant Access Right Now

To get instant access to HBR (Home-Based Revolution) for OVER HALF off, just fill out the form below when it appears. After your purchase is complete, you'll be given access to our Private Members Area where the first module will be instantly available. Also, you'll receive an email to get your 1:1 set up so we can get started on your BAT Signal Blueprint! I'll see you inside!

Frequently Asked Questions:

How much time do I need to invest daily/weekly to see results with the MOM Method in HBR? I'm already busy with my family and current responsibilities.

As you're setting it up, go at your own pace, but most folks do about 10 hours a week. Once it's all set up, you really only need about 1-2 hours a week to run it, thanks to us being able to partner with AI these days. (Don't get me wrong, it doesn't do EVERYTHING for us, because quite frankly, it shouldn't...but it certainly helps in the right places.)

What if I don't have any prior experience in running an online business? Will the program still work for me?

I'm gonna be super duper honest with you, I LOVE students that haven't ever done anything like this before, because there's far less I have to "unteach" you. Sometimes the folks that come in having done this sort of thing before have been taught the wrong way by so many people, that's it's actually more work to "unteach" that, if that makes sense.

Can you provide more details about the 7 income streams and the investment stream? I want to ensure they align with my values and skills.

100%! I'm glad you "asked" :). The 7 income streams are the easiest income streams to run alongside a mission and give-back mindset. That way we live as servants, but also make a good living as well. So those income streams are affiliate marketing, courses, coaching, memberships, freelancing, books, and Shopify stores. Now, do you need to do ALL of these? No, but you may find your brand growing into them over time, in which case, we got you! The investing is always growing and changing, so everything from traditional to whatever is going on in the market at that time.

How does the lifetime coaching work? Will I have direct access to Martha Krejci for support and guidance?

Yes! I am in the groups and on the calls A TON! I also have a staff of strategists that have been personally trained by me, but this is not one of those programs you buy and the person who presented it is never heard from again. You and I will be quick friends, and I have nothing but your families best interest at heart!

Are there any additional costs I should be aware of, such as for tools, software, or advertising?

I love this question, because it means you're serious! I love that! This doesn't require a ton of software, because a lot of what we do is organic and can be done using free tools. I do suggest a website, but I have a vendor that discounts that for my students, and same with a provider that handles email for you. Aside from that, if you want to use paid for tools, you can, but you certainly don't need to. My whole goal is to get you going, not get you drowing.

How long will I have access to the course materials and updates? Will there be a recurring fee to maintain access?

While the program provides all the training and tools you need to succeed in affiliate marketing, your income depends on your effort and dedication. However, the focus of the program is for you to start earning as soon as you start the training.

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100% Risk Free

If you're still on the fence, remember...this purchase is 100% Risk Free. If you DON'T hit 10k months within 6 months, I'll work with you until you do. AND if you break my record of $100k months in 6 months, I'll FULLY REFUND YOU! Let's GOOOO!!!

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Jump Into HBR Here For Just




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